
2022/5/17(二) [線上講座] 到美國讀電競 8pm-9pm

到美國唸大學竟然可以修跟打電動有關的學分? 沒錯!我們邀請到Ball State University的代表來介紹這所學校的電競(esports)課程及課外活動,學生可以參加電競社團,電玩高手可以參加電競校隊。在課堂上則是可以選Sports Production – Esports學程,學習如何製作電競以及舉辦電競比賽,當然還有獎學金資訊喔!歡迎有興趣的家長跟同學來參加講座。

We’ll cover the range of ways that esports are available to university students in the U.S., including club play, team play, academic integration, and of course scholarships. We’ll give students some items to consider if they are interested in pursuing Esports as a part of their studies in the U.S.

講者:Dan Marino及Andrea Stiefvater, Ball State University代表

時間:5月17日(二) 8pm-9pm

網址:  https://bsu.zoom.us/j/92460813838


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