
2022/4/23(六) [線上講座] 到美國讀創新科技 10am-11am

Some of the fastest growing companies and around the world are technology companies, but what are the newest and fastest growing technology careers? Join the University of Washington’s Global Innovation Exchange for a presentation to learn more about careers in other areas like Smart/IoT device development, UX/UI Design, and Robotics!

目前世界上成長最快速的公司很多是科技公司,但什麼是最新又成長最快速的科技職業呢?歡迎參加University of Washington’s Global Innovation Exchange線上講座,了解更多有關智能/物聯網設備開發、UX/UI(使用者經驗)設計和機器人技術等領域的相關求學及就業消息!

講者:Kyle Brown, University of Washington代表

時間:4月23日(六) 10am-11am

註冊網址: https://forms.office.com/r/pg4rzQvcM7


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