

Located in Waltham, Massachusetts on 235 attractive suburban acres, Brandeis University is in an ideal location just nine miles west of Boston. Named for the late Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis of the U.S. Supreme Court, Brandeis combines the faculty and resources of a world-class research institution with the intimacy and personal attention of a small liberal arts college.

In addition, the Wien International Scholarship Program at Brandeis University has been committed to furthering international understanding, providing foreign students an opportunity to study in the United States, and enhancing the lives of all students at Brandeis. More than 800 students from over 100 countries have come to Brandeis as Wien Scholars. The program provides either full or partial need-based tuition awards to applicants who have demonstrated outstanding academic and personal achievement.

For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/zPe4Sh

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