對象: 具中華民國國籍的博士班申請人
科系: 不限
名額: 每年最多五名
金額: 全額
申請: 必須分別向兩個單位提出
[12月1日之前] 向南加大提出 “博士班入學申請”
[後續] 向教育部提出 “留學獎學金” 甄試申請
台灣南加大博士生獎學金 (Taiwan USC Scholarship) 新聞稿
教育部國際文教處與美國南加州大學(University of Southern California)於今(100)年10月6日簽署 「臺灣南加州大學獎學金」備忘錄。簽約儀式由國際文教處林文通處長代表教育部與南加州大學副校長 Dr.Randolph Hall 簽署,國立臺灣大學袁孝維國際事務長、國立陽明大學邱爾德國際長、國家科學委員會國際合作處郭克嚴副處長、南加大在臺辦事處朱珮瑄主任等人在場觀禮。
[USC news release]
LOS ANGELES and TAIPEI — October 6, 2011 — The University of Southern California and the Taiwan Ministry of Education are delighted to announce the creation of “Taiwan-USC Scholarships,” a joint partnership that will provide Ph.D. students from Taiwan with full tuition and living stipends as they pursue advanced degrees at USC.
The partnership was formally commenced at a signing ceremony in Taipei today, attended by representatives from the Taiwan Ministry of Education and USC.
USC, a major research university located in the heart of Los Angeles, enrolls more international students than any other university in the United States, and is among the top higher education destinations for students from Taiwan studying abroad.
“The Taiwan-USC fellowships represent a joint effort to cultivate outstanding Taiwanese students and scholars to pursue Ph.D. in USC.” said Tony W.T. Lin, Director-General of the Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations, Taiwan Ministry of Education. “We are excited to partner with the University of Southern California, one of the world’s top universities, to support students from Taiwan as they continue to pursue their ideas and research.”
USC and the Taiwan Ministry of Education will both contribute to the “Taiwan-USC Scholarships,” which be available beginning Fall 2012 for up to five Taiwanese doctoral students accepted to USC in a wide range of disciplines.
“The University of Southern California benefits from the rich diversity of its students, scholars and faculty who come from around the world to become members of the Trojan Family,” said Randy Hall, Vice President of Research at USC, who was in Taipei for the signing ceremony. “This fellowship program will help support our outstanding doctorate students from Taiwan as we work together to meet the world’s most pressing challenges.”
USC is the third university to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Taiwan Ministry of Education for joint fellowships supporting the studies of top Taiwanese Ph.D. students abroad.
The University of Cambridge (UK) and Washington University in St. Louis are the two universities already partnering with the Taiwan Ministry of Education under this program on international academic scholarships for Taiwanese students.
“USC has a long history of academic partnerships in the Pacific Rim, and we are honored that the Taiwan Ministry of Education has invited USC to participate in this joint fellowship that will provide significant support for students from Taiwan,” said Anthony Bailey, Associate Provost for Global Initiatives at USC.
The USC Office of Global Initiatives maintains seven permanent international offices, including an office in Taipei, Taiwan. FULL STORY.