
Drury University 國際學生獎學金

Drury University would like to extend an invitation to your students wishing to study abroad in the USA, to learn about our merit-based scholarship opportunities.

There are several types of scholarships available to international students:

Dean’s Scholarships:

Students with a B average (3.0) or higher and with ONE of the following proficiency scores: IBT TOEFL 72 , IELTS 6.0, SAT 1650, or ACT 24 are encouraged to apply to Drury for automatic Dean’s Scholarships. Dean’s scholarships will range from $2500 – $10000. There is no special application necessary to be considered for these scholarships. Scholarships are guaranteed for Fall 2011 if all admission requirements have been met by Jan 1, 2011.

Trustee Scholarships: These are by invitation only and are available for the Fall 2011 semester. Students must submit a high school transcript of B+ (3.5) or higher and the SAT cumulative score of 1920 or higher. Scholarships range from full tuition up to a limited number of full rides. These are made on the final decision of the Scholarship Committee. Students are expected to take a telephone interview during the special Trustee scholarship weekend.

All scholarships are renewable for Drury’s 4-year undergraduate degrees (or 5 years for Accounting degrees) (and 4 years of the 5-year Master of Architecture degree) with a 3.0 or B cumulative grade point average each year.

Announcement regarding International Baccalaureate Scholarship:

Deadline: July 15, 2011

This honor is awarded to students who have completed the requirements and have or will receive an international baccalaureate diploma. Students must submit proof of completion of the IB diploma requirements from their counselor or transcript, and a copy of their diploma once they receive it. This award is a stackable award of $3000. Drury will stack this with a student’s Academic Dean Scholarship.

College Credit for the completion of the IB Diploma with a score of:
28: at least 30 credit hours
27: at least 25 credit hours
26: at least 20 credit hours
25: at least 15 credit hours
24: at least 10 credit hours

Credit will initially be awarded as elective credit, with specific course equivalents designated in consultation with department chairs and university registrar. In most cases, a mark of 4 (HL) or 5 (SL) on a subject area test will warrant credit for specific equivalencies.

For those not completing the Diploma program, credit may still be awarded for satisfactory scores on individual subject tests.

Announcement regarding Drury University Grants:

Activity Awards

Deadlines vary by award

Students must apply and be admitted to Drury University to qualify for any Activity Award.

Art Award (majors only)
• Submit portfolio with your application. For more information, see www.drury.edu/art.

Athletic Award
• Scholarships vary by athletic program. These include baseball, basketball, soccer, volley ball, golf, swim, and track and cross country. There are a sizeable number of international students who enjoy these excellent scholarships. For more information , see www.drurypanthers.com

Debate Award
• Must apply and audition for awards on designated dates. For more information, see www.drury.edu/debate .

Music Award
• Must audition for awards on a designated date.
• Audition dates are either late fall or early spring semester. For more information, see http://music.drury.edu

Theatre Award
• Must audition for awards on a designated date.
• Audition dates are either late fall or early spring semester. For more information, see

If you have any questions about these scholarships or grants, please contact me directly at jhockens@drury.edu. I will be happy to answer your questions. If you or your students would like a packet of information mailed directly to you/them, please send an email request with the name and mailing address.

Online application for international students: http://www.drury.edu/admission/interapp.cfm


Julie Hockensmith, M.Ed.
Director of International Admission

Drury University
900 North Benton
Springfield, Missouri, 65802, USA

Phone: 1 417 873-7506
Fax: 1 417 866-3873

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