The Foreign Press Association is offering a minimum of three scholarships to foreign graduate students of journalism in the United States, First Prize of $10,000.00, Second Prize of $7,500.00 and Third Prize of $5,000.00. The awards are meant to encourage the pursuit of a career in journalism focusing on international affairs.
Applicants must:
1)Submit a one page statement indicating how a scholarship will affect your future plans Indicate if financial aid is needed. List all scholarships and fellowships you have received towards your studies in the United States.
2) Submit an OP-ED piece (maximum 750 words)
In many countries around the world, women suffer discrimination that prevents them from taking a full place in society equal to that of men and that exposes them in some cases to physical abuse. There are many reasons for this unequal treatment, including cultural and religious traditions. As former President Jimmy Carter states, “Women are prevented from playing a full and equal role in many faiths, creating an environment in which violations against women are justified. The belief that women are inferior human beings in the eyes of God, give excuses to the brutal husband who beats his wife, the soldier who rapes a woman, an employer who has a lower pay scale for women employees or parents who decide to abort a female embryo.” Mr. Carter sees religion as one of the “basic causes of the violation of women’s rights.”
In your essay, discuss the status of women in your own country. In what ways, subtle or overt, do women suffer discrimination? What are the root causes of this unequal treatment? In what ways, if at all, has the status of women changed over the last generation? Finally, what role, if any, has the media played in your country to ensure gender equality and the rights of women? Please use statistics, studies, or other credible evidence to back up your assertions.
3) Present proof of enrollment in a Graduate program of Journalism.
4) Submit two letters of reference:
a) from a current professor,
b) from an editor you have worked for.
5) Submit only two samples of published or broadcast work. If work is in a foreign language, please send it with an English translation.
Submit a curriculum vitae. Outline your previous experience in journalism and academic background.
Only applicants with F-1 and J-1 Visas are eligible for consideration. Provide copy of documentation.
Five collated copies of all submissions must be sent.
The awards will be presented at the Annual Awards Reception in May 2011
Submissions must be received no later than December 30, 2010.
Send to:
Suzanne Adams
333 East 46th Street, Suite 1K
New York, NY 10017